Experimental sources

Experimental Events are data we collect as part of prototypes and experiments. It is not available in the API by default, but you can retrieve them from the https://api.eventdata.crossref.org/v1/events/experimental . It also contains data from the early version of Crossref Event Data that might not meet the production criteria for quality and evidence.

Experimental Events should not be used for production purposes.

Experimental source: PLAUDiT

Agent Source token e330ad99-b54e-4557-a81c-b9178ed7953f
Consumes Artifacts None
Subject coverage ORCID IDs
Object coverage DOIs
Data contributor PLAUDiT.pub
Data origin PLAUDiT.pub
Freshness Life
Identifies Users' ORCID IDs who want to ensorse a paper.
License Creative commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
Operated by PLAUDiT
Produces Evidence Records No
Produces relation types likes
Produces relation subtypes clear, robust or exciting
Source ID plaudit
Updates or deletions None expected

What it is

Created as part of the eLife Innovation Sprint 2018.

Plaudit is a simple, lightweight mechanism for an individual with an ORCID to endorse an object with a DOI. Using the Plaudit button they can add their endorsement to an article, using their ORCID. Endorsements can say that an article is "clear", "robust" or "exciting". Each Plaudit endorsement shows up as an individual Event saying "the person with this ORCID ID applauds the article with this DOI". The type of endorsement is recorded in the relation_subtype_id field.

What it does

Every time a new interaction occurs on Plaudit, an Event is created and sent into Crossref Event Data.

Example Event

  "license": "https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/",
  "obj_id": "https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2202.151250",
  "source_token": "e330ad99-b54e-4557-a81c-b9178ed7953f",
  "occurred_at": "2016-01-26T01:49:17Z",
  "subj_id": " https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0840-454X",
  "id": "53133861-1f04-447e-b419-05d5a6221b5c",
  "action": "add",
  "subj": {
    "pid": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0840-454X",
  "source_id": "plaudit",
  "obj": {
    "pid": "https://doi.org/10.5555/12345678",
  "timestamp": "2017-02-22T17:16:17Z",
  "relation_type_id": "likes",
  "relation_subtype_id": "clear"

Evidence Record

Events are sent directly as they happen. No Evidence Records are created.

Edits / deletion

We don't expect to have to edit or delete any Events.


  • Plaudit only works when it's been installed on the publisher's webpage or a user has the browser plugin.

Failure modes

None expected.

Further information